Oct. 17, 2022

Episode 62: A Variation of Alzheimers--Logopenic Primary Progressive Aphasia

Episode 62: A Variation of Alzheimers--Logopenic Primary Progressive Aphasia

In episode 55, “Frontotemporal Dementia and Speech Problems,” I introduced something known as primary progressive aphasias. Primary, because the speech problems happen first in the disease. “Progressive,” because the speech problems get worse over time. “Aphasia” is a medical word for difficulty speaking. Primary progressive aphasias affect 200,000 people in the United States and are considered “rare.” There is nothing rare about a disease when it affects you or a loved one. PPAs are associated with dementia; instead of memory problems happening first, speech problems happen first. Memory problems happen later. It is the speech problem that gets people to come to a neurology practice, where the specific speech problem is identified.

Make Dementia Your B*tch podcast has been selected by Feedspot as one of the Top 25 Dementia Podcasts for 2022—check it out:

Free VIRTUAL dementia education and support session calendar:


Other resources:

New! 5 Ways to help People living with dementia who refuse help: https://dementiacentricsolutions.com/caring-for-someone-living-with-dementia-tired-of-fighting-and-arguing/

Have a question? Want more information about my programs? Email me: dr.rita.jablonski@gmail.com

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