Jan. 3, 2023

Episode 68: Using the "Caregiver Vibes" Strategy for Care Refusals

Episode 68: Using the

It is really frustrating when the person living with dementia refuses to accept care or tells you that he or she already performed the task. You know the drill. “Take a shower,” you say. “I just did,” they say…even though you know it has been days, weeks, maybe months since they have had a shower. Bathing isn’t the only challenging behavior. Convincing a person with dementia to remove soiled clothing can be a nightmare, a literal tug-of-war between the two of you.

One strategy that is useful is called “caregiver vibes.” This strategy has two parts. The first part is to become calm. Yes, I know that can be a tall order when you are exhausted and overwhelmed. I recommend taking 3 deep breaths. Seriously—breathing long and deep helps to reset the vagus nerve and slows down the heart rate. The second part is to picture yourself successfully getting the care done.  In this podcast episode, I explain in detail how to accomplish both steps. I also explain how to integrate "caregiver vibes" with other strategies to gain cooperation.

Make Dementia Your B*tch podcast has been selected by Feedspot as one of the Top 25 Dementia Podcasts for 2023—check it out:

Free VIRTUAL dementia education and support session calendar:


Other resources:

New! 5 Ways to help People living with dementia who refuse help: https://dementiacentricsolutions.com/caring-for-someone-living-with-dementia-tired-of-fighting-and-arguing/

Have a question? Want more information about my programs? Email me: dr.rita.jablonski@gmail.com

Interested in my book? Get your free preview here: https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09SR2ZMM2&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_1984RXHNZ8WBNHR7WSJ2

You can also leave questions here: https://anchor.fm/rita-a-jablonski/message

#frontotemporal #dementia #behaviors

#alzheimers #dementia #caregiving #behaviors  #dementiabitch #Lewy body #Parkinsons #vascular #care refusals  #vibes

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