The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe

The way I heard it!

I listen to every episode and immensely enjoy the show! To clarify for Mike - a hike is a journey that can be rural or urban provided your carry a pack - big or small for a few miles or an indeterminate amount of time. A walk or stroll is simply just that! I was hiking and just finished the PCT ( pacific crest trail) from Mexico to Canada while listening to his podcast! So I just got home and listened to the Greatest guest and laughed that I was likely listening to Mike as I traversed through the entire Desolation Wilderness and surfaced for at least one day to resupply and cleanup in South Lake Tahoe! The area is simply stunning ! Keep up the great dialogue- #bestpodcast!! Catmando

July 19, 2023 by catmando2019 on Apple Podcasts

The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe

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