Wait what?? Barjory Buffet season two is starting in two weeks? But that’s all, right? No??? Check out our Patreon for our Between the Scenes podcast, early episode releases, and, sorry what else? Much much more??? Aaahhh!! h...
Barjory climbs out of a watery grave and into the trash to stage a rematch with her nefariousest foes! Now she must navigate three villains, The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, flashbacks to her first case, former Vice President...
The tomorrowyear of yesternow becomes the fornever of last Smunday when a World’s Fair Cruise is attacked by Barjory’s old octopedal nemesis Seth LePod! Now this adult science fair is between a wet genius, a drunk genius, a t...
This rain check just bounced! Bidge must stop an ultrastorm from hitting a weatherman convention, which they especially should’ve seen coming but let’s just say it these guys don’t always nail the weather! (Check out our Betw...
https://www.patreon.com/bbthecd What a surprising treat! As a fun midseason intermission, join Brad and Rachel for the making of an episode and if you like it, keep joining us over at our Patreon!
It's you vs. us vs. uterus when Barjory is kidnapped by pregnant pirates aboard a gigantic ship in a bottle. Now she has to get a mysterious treasure to Captain Stuffbeard, the pirate with stuff in his beard, and the only cra...
Barjory heads down south, VERY down south, for a South Pole sleuthing. The only living things in Antarctica are her ex lovers and penguins, and we don’t even include any penguins or maybe we do but they’re just quiet and keep...
Criming soon to a theater near you: It’s a red carpet but from blood when a film premiere is intermissioned by an attack on a Hollywood elite! Now Barjory must pour herself a tall glass of popcorn and investigate the too many...
Hey look! A bonus episode to prove we're still alive! As Bidge recovers from surgery that was elective for her but forced on the doctors, Neil uses her hospital stay to show off his big showbiz reel. No one is surprised he's ...