
July 16, 2024

Take The Quiz: Are You A Pumpkin Or A Rag?

Get it off your chest, boo It's the gay episode! Sure, we're late to Pride but we're also wildly early to next year's Pride (which we'll also be late to). Rachel and Brad discuss their favorite Gaysop's Fables, those antiquat...
June 11, 2024

When A Funko Pop Hatches

Get it off your chest, boo Brad and Rachel have the incredible honor of hosting Shvitzty DeLonge (yes, that DeLonge) as we discuss her life as an omnipotent being and tiny and the author of "The Day It Was 2008 Forever".
May 28, 2024

For My Third Wish, I Want The Genie To Die

Get it off your chest, boo This week on their children's book podcast, Brad and Rachel discuss Brazilian porn star Pamela Butt. They also introduce a new segment where they read the zoom ai summaries of their previous episode...
May 14, 2024

And The Night Wind Screams, "I Can't Believe It Wasn't Butter"

Get it off your chest, boo I tote in "I Don't Know What Day My Birthday Is (Don't Worry It's Not Sad)" and Brad goes all Egyptology on our flat asses with his pick, "Tomb Robin: The Grave Robbin' Kid: Rattle of the Sphanx".
April 30, 2024

That Kid's Gonna Grow Up To Be A Stepdad

Brad and Rachel drool over the shlubby hubs in Stepdad Magazine: CIA Edition (it's like the swimsuit edition of Sport's Illustrated). Rachel brings in a favorite, Where In The Store Is Karen Sacramento? and Brad brings in J.D...
April 16, 2024

The Heaviest Swimsuit Known To Man

Rachel and Brad trot in so much new lore, from the debut of Stepdad Magazine to Rachel's subterranean neighbor Chomp Gnomsky who's exactly as belligerent and semi-naked as he sounds. We also review "If I Were President, Every...
April 2, 2024

I'm A Bit Of A Narc & A Perv (feat. Yesi Rego)

Upside-down rights activist and author of The Inescapable World of Upside Down Versa Majora discusses her upcoming book tour, how she pees and the friendships she has with worms that people living "right" side up just wouldn'...
March 19, 2024

I Was Phantom of the Opera-ing a Day Camp (To No Reward)

Rachel and Brad are weenus deep in smut between his book The Summer We Porked and her latest installment in the President High series, Old Farts, Broken Hearts & Revolutionary Warts .
March 5, 2024

15 Days In The Cocoa

Child starlet turned author/poacher Greef Lundgreef graces us with her presence and puts Brad in his place but really loves how much Rachel sucks up to her.
Feb. 20, 2024

"Roar", She Roared

Rachel unveils another D.H. Donker's masterpiece from the iconic Sweaty Shivers series; "Just Add Slaughter" and Brad wheels in some bullsh*t called, "The Yesterplace in the Everhere Over by the Someveryone" by Scoober LeJeez...
Feb. 6, 2024

I've Got The Vibe Of Someone Who's Loved & Lost

Rachel and Brad do, frankly, discuss his family's plane a little bit more but mostly Rachel takes a deeper dive into the life of Shivesly Dewer, author of the wildly successful "Mr. Potpourri" series about a middle-aged monke...
Jan. 23, 2024

All Of These Smoke Alarms Will Be Yours Someday

Airplane prince Brad walks us through The Killing of the Big Old Goose and city bus prinsuss Rachel grabs us by the elbow and yanks us through the picture book Mr. Potpourri .
Jan. 2, 2024

Beat Up With Hooves

Y'know, what a classic ep of Book Fair. Just a solid, fun romp through Rachel's most recent read Sweaty Shivers classic "The Old Breastfeeder" and Brad's YA bubblegum trite "Talon And Tooth: Scythe and Squeezing and Boyfriend...
Dec. 19, 2023

Why Nards? (Why Nards!)

Rachel and Brad interview the aggressively sex pos children's author Louinda Wiles, author of the new book "There's An Old Wet Golden Retriever In The Grocery Store".
Dec. 4, 2023

After A Long Day Of Plucking & Cucking

You don't have to hold your breath any longer- Brad shares his review of "3 Billboards Outside Ebbings, Missouri" and IT. IS. BRUUUUTAL. Also Rachel updates us on the latest installment of the President High series- "The Pant...
Nov. 21, 2023

An Unpaid Internship At Borders

This one's a whopper! Rachel talks about the classic kid-horror read "Sweaty Shivers: I'm The King of Hog Castle!" and Brad walks us through the YA novel "Who Kissed My Mailman?" .
Nov. 6, 2023

Hello Sharks- Would You Like To Throw Up?

Rachel freakin' crows about her flat spot and the installment of the hottest YA revisionist history "President High: That Lame Duck Is One Tame Fuck" and Brad shares "The 9th 7th: The 5 Of 9s" , a sci-fi so fi and not at all ...
Oct. 24, 2023

Didn't He Make A Fire By Rubbing Two Eels Together?

Rachel presents the pre-K read "Who Took My Package?" and Brad spills the beans on the YA thrill-an-hour "Somebody Killed Everbody" .
Oct. 10, 2023

I'm As Body Poz As The Next Hog

Brad discusses "They're Not Gay; Don't Waste Your Time" and Rachel recounts "Dinosgusting".
Sept. 26, 2023

Welcome to the Third Best Day of the School Year

Brad and Rachel discuss: Rachel's Book and Brad's Book .