July 8, 2021

July 8th-Chocolate & Almonds, Toby Keith, Beck. Kevin Bacon, Anjelica Huston, Longest Belly Dance, Erector Set

July 8th-Chocolate & Almonds, Toby Keith, Beck. Kevin Bacon, Anjelica Huston, Longest Belly Dance, Erector Set

chocolate and almonds, pop culture 2007, kevin bacon, toby keith, beck, anjelica huston, jeffrey tambo, steve lawrence, jerry vale, von zepplin, john pemberton, nigeria, dehart hubbard, erector set, billy crudup, declaration of independence read,

chocolate and almonds, pop culture 2007, kevin bacon, toby keith, beck, anjelica huston, jeffrey tambo, steve lawrence, jerry vale, von zepplin, john pemberton, nigeria, dehart hubbard, erector set, billy crudup, declaration of independence read,