Lets win you a beer

Lets win you a beer

This is the companion podcast to "History and Factoids about today" . We talk about some of the subjects in more detail. It includes interesting, entertaining, educational and humorous facts. Includes sports trivia. And we talk about stupid laws around the world

Recent Episodes

July 23, 2024

Jeff & Rachel will win you a bet talking Pub Trivia about Caviar, Bears, King Henry VIII and phone pranks

Jeff and Rachel talk interesting pub trivia, today they talk about Caviar - Hillbilly and Redneck caviar, They talk about bears, how Henry VIII left the pope because he was cheap but said he wanted a divorce, and they talk about how you can't do prank...
July 23, 2024

Romans put tax on urine, Summer & Winter Olympic sports, Don't get a moose drunk in Alaska

Roman emperor Vespasian put a tax on urine. What sports started out in the summer olympics before moving to the winter olympics. It is illegal to serve alcohol to moose in Alaska. Energy Pill - LesFM Give me back my freedom - Cody Joe Hodges
July 23, 2024

Sesame Street characters have real names, Hawaiian Prostitutes, Pro Football

Sesame Street charactors real names, like the Cookie Monster is actually named Sid ect.. Highest scoring NFL games, and Hookers in Hawaii.
July 23, 2024

Reindeer love banana's, Babe Ruth loved hotdogs, South Korea hates hidden camera's.

Reindeer love to eat banana's and apples. Babe Ruth ate 12 hot dogs between games of a double header. South Korea has a law requiring phone camera's to make a loud shutter. Intro/Exit - Energy Pill - Lesfm Give me back my freedom - Cody Joe Hodges...
July 23, 2024

Pigeons love Picasso. First forward pass thrown in football. Singapore hates chewing gum.

Janpanese scientest trained pigeons to tell the difference in painting between monet and picasson. Footballs 1st forward pass was thrown in Sept 5, 1906. Chewing gum illegal in singapore. Intro/Exit - Energy pill - Lesfm Give me back my freedom -...
July 23, 2024

A Virginia woman let loose worlds loudest burp, Hiking naked in Switzerland is illegal, Longest tennis match

A virginia woman set the Guiness world record for loudest burp. Longest tennis match of all time. Hiking in the buff in Switzerland is illegal. Intro/Exit - Energy Pill - Lesfm Give me back my freedon - Cody Joe Hodges https://codyjoehodges.com/home

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