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Mike Rowe is a national Treasure.
Love the show. Love the insight it provides into intellectual paths both well and less trodden. Love this guy! In a purely fraternal sense.

High brow, common sense and humorous
Thank you Mike for giving us road warriors something to listen to that increases our awareness, fills our hearts and slakes a thirst to want to learn more. You stand on principle with the best of them. The guests and topics range wide and give the listener a chance to comfortably stretch their boundaries. Thank you for the learning and the humor of it all. Yours in rumination.

Great podcast
Very entertaining show. Mike Rowe is down to earth and has a great sense of humor. This show is worth your time.

Common Sense for the Average Joe
Mike Rowe is funny with a dry wit, practical with an earth shattering, revolutionary style. The one Dirty Job he says he won’t do is Politics; so Mike Rowe 2028!

Needles and Frogs
I really enjoy listening to Mr Metaphor. On behalf of all the frogs he has slowly boiled, and all of the needles he has moved or is moving, I salute. Thankfully we are metaphorically boiling metaphorical frogs and the needles we are moving are small. I have used your podcast and plethora of metaphors to literally point my middle school and high school students to learn a trade. My self taught blacksmith wife is a good example for learning a trade at any age. Thank Chuck for keeping the reins tight on Mike and yanking the bit once in a while to keep him in line. Larry Ninas in Georgia.

Light and informative
I love listening to Mike and Chuck interview amazing guests. I’m always laughing at some point and constantly inspired to read, research or just contemplate the topics they discuss more. So grateful I’ve run across this podcast. Thank you for remembering we just need to take things a little lighter and ground our emotions in what really matters most.

Why do you keep teaching me things?
You introduce so many great voices to me with the knowledge I didn’t know I needed. The number of books I have read after listening to you and your guest is probably as many writers that have been featured on your show. Mike, Chuck and Peggy, keep me in stitches. Your focus on life and life skills makes this the podcast I recommend most.

Ala Colontoni
Would love to have Knoble infused toothpicks to practice dental hygiene while listening to this fine podcast

Weed episode
Excellent!! And you most definitely need to check out David Bahnsen and get him on your show!!

Ep 376
A blip when the American Giant ad first comes in, but then at the end, it cuts off before it is over. Help! I need to hear the full thing!

Favorite podcast
Started listening to several different podcasts several months back and this one is without a doubt my favorite . I was listening to the most recent episodes then decided I really needed to start at the beginning to understand the history of the show and I’m in April of 2022 now. Mike’s history/journey is so interesting and I love the relationship between him and Chuck. I always get tickled when Peggy and John are on. Thank you for this podcast and for what you are doing for the trades!

Thank you, both!
Hey Chuck! I know you read these, so if you could do me a favor, I would greatly appreciate it. Ask Mike to read a thank you message I left him on Instagram on March 5 from @mudbacon regarding VO work. By the way, we always referred to the Continental as the Coach's Handkerchief. Great job on the podcast! Thank you!

Absolutely Funny
Absolutely the most funny and authentic. Authentic Mike Rowe making laughing possible.

Excellent show Mike!
UPDATE: Just listened to the new episode on..the Nasty Little Instruments. Loved the story and Hey Chuck!!!! 😁 New fan, fell in love with Somebody’s Gotta Do It, and it lead me here, and I’m glad it did. I’m glad certain topics are talked about while Mike keeps it light with jokes, but is serious about the topic, and it’s a perfect balance for some very impactful serious discussions. Keep going Mike. 😎Your the best!

Just The Best!
I enjoyed The Way I Heard It from the beginning, Mike Row has made me laugh and ponder many things. What a great way to spend your time! Don’t stop sharing great stories and the stories of great people of our great world! Also Chuck you Rock!

Mike Rocks
Besides having a crush on Mike—move over ladies—I love Mike because of his incredible vocabulary, humor, and Mom (hi Peggy!). In this insane place we call America, his voice and logic reminds me of just how great this country can be, should be, and with God’s grace, will be again. Love you and pray for your continued success! Mary O’ Connell. Ocala FL

Hello Chuck
Just thought I’d say hi.

Fantastic! I look forward to listening!
I listen to several podcasts regularly. This one is my favorite. You never know what Mike is going to discover and discuss! I’ve learned about things I never knew I needed to know- all while being entertained by Mike, the occasional guest, and Chuck. Always love when Mike checks in with his mom! In addition, I appreciate the information regarding the foundation. As a recently retired K-8 school administrator (at a school for the gifted), we often encouraged our students to attend the local vo-tech high school. (Some say gifted kids should go to college, be a lawyer or doctor….but that’s not always what these kids want. And honestly, no one wants a stupid plumber, electrician, or mechanic! Heck, my hair stylist is one of the smartest people I know! And I appreciate that she understands the chemistry behind hair color!!) Thanks for bringing the trades back into focus. Sorry for the long-winded review. Suffice it to say that this is a great podcast! (Even the ads are entertaining!)

A missed opportunity
I really love the show. But I thought Mike missed a huge opportunity with the “Nasty Instrument” story: I thought for sure during the show he would recite The Lady's Dressing Room by Jonathan Swift. High literature about dirty topics; what could possibly be more appealing to Mike?

Always listen to the end!
I never listened to a podcast until I found this one. I enjoy listening to both of you especially when you have Peggy with you and I always listen to the end! (Love listening to you speculate about this!). Love the way you sing the adverts and enjoy all of your guests. Keep up the good work!

Love the latest episode
I was taught “The Farmer Blow” was the most appropriate snot removal action for any person with no handkerchief or tissue!

Great Show
Thank You Mike! Thanks for the Great History and entertainment!!!! Victor Crockett, Retired US Army/USPS! p.s. If You would, please say a prayer for me, (unspoken). I can use all the prayers I can get🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Chuck! You read every review? Love listening to you guys!

Love the Show
Thank you Mike and Chuck!

Great to listen to!
I love listening while I drive and you make me laugh and feel lighter in my day. Sharing the fun and very interesting things that have happened to you in the past and as they are still happening is a great listen. The way I heard it ... is a joy ... hope you can keep it up!

I recommend this show so often to people, that many of them now roll their eyes at me (usually family members) because I go on and on about how much I enjoy it! Thanks for the whitty banter, interesting subjects, book recommendations, but most of all, thanks for the fun and laughter! I need more of that in my life! Oh, and the conversations with Peggy Rowe are so fun too! Keep doing what you’re doing, and don’t fire Chuck— he’s awesome too!

Favorite podcast
Whats not to say about this podcast beaides wish there was a episode everyday. I paint cars for a living here in Glen Burnie, MD and whenever iam in the booth ill listen while spraying. Love all the stories and history of the show. Hopefully one day ill meet ya at one of your Knobel meet and greets. Fyi need one in Westminster where I live! Thx bye!

Only Mike
Only Mike Rowe and his amazing producer Chuck could make me care about something as simple as a tooth pick Always my favorite podcast, thank you for all the free entertainment Side note-chuck if you are ever in the Chicagoland area I wanna play disc golf with you!

317: treasure hunting
You mentioned that the gold ship came from California via the Panama Canal, then sank in the Atlantic in 1857. Only several decades prior to the Canal’s existence. nKeep up the good talk. 🇺🇸😜😜🇺🇸😜😜🇺🇸 🇺🇸😜😜🇺🇸😜😜🇺🇸 🇺🇸😜😜🇺🇸😜😜🇺🇸

Always Entertaining yet just deep enough
Love you guys! Being a MD girl I’ve always been a fan but I feel like I align with you on mostly everything so it’s super nice to listen to someone who thinks like me. Keep helping common sense grow!!