Aug. 19, 2023

Aug 19th-Potato's,Orville Wright, Eddy Raven, Deep Purple, John Stamos, Europe, Mathew Perry, Clay Walker

Aug 19th-Potato's,Orville Wright, Eddy Raven, Deep Purple, John Stamos, Europe, Mathew Perry, Clay Walker

National potato day. Entertainment from 1967. Yellow fever hits Philadelphia, USS Constitution sink Britians pride and joy, Apple worth over $2 Trillion. Todays birthdays - Samuel Prescott, Orville Wright, Johnny Nash, Eddy Raven, Bill Clinton, Ian...

National potato day. Entertainment from 1967. Yellow fever hits Philadelphia, USS Constitution sink Britians pride and joy, Apple worth over $2 Trillion. Todays birthdays - Samuel Prescott, Orville Wright, Johnny Nash, Eddy Raven, Bill Clinton, Ian Gillan, John Stamos, Joey Tempest, Lee Ann Womack, Kevin Dillon, Kyra Sedgwick, Mathew Perry, Clay Walker. Groucho Marx died.