Feb. 23, 2023

Feb 23rd-Chili, Peter Fonda, Howard Jones, Steve Holy, Dakota Fanning, Kristin Davis, Emily Blunt

Feb 23rd-Chili, Peter Fonda, Howard Jones, Steve Holy, Dakota Fanning, Kristin Davis, Emily Blunt

National chili day. Pop culture from 2002. Battle of the Alamo began, Jesus has a hit song, Raising of the U.S. flag on Iow Jima, Tootis Rolls invented. Todays birthdays - Peter Fonda, Johnny Winter, Patricia Richardson, Howard Jones, Kristin Davis,...

National chili day. Pop culture from 2002. Battle of the Alamo began, Jesus has a hit song, Raising of the U.S. flag on Iow Jima, Tootis Rolls invented. Todays birthdays - Peter Fonda, Johnny Winter, Patricia Richardson, Howard Jones, Kristin Davis, Steve Holy, Dakota Fanning, Emily Blunt. John Keats died.