Jan. 4, 2022

Jan 4th-Spagetti, REM, Talk Talk, Patty Loveless, Deana Carter, Winnie the Pooh, Utah, Jakob Grimm

Jan 4th-Spagetti, REM, Talk Talk, Patty Loveless, Deana Carter, Winnie the Pooh, Utah, Jakob Grimm

spagetti, pop culture 1983, voice of winnie the pooh, louis braille, jakob grimm, utah, deana carter, dyan cannon, worlds tallest building opened, talk talk, rem, patty loveless, dave foley, 1st appendectomy

spagetti, pop culture 1983, voice of winnie the pooh, louis braille, jakob grimm, utah, deana carter, dyan cannon, worlds tallest building opened, talk talk, rem, patty loveless, dave foley, 1st appendectomy