Sept. 13, 2023

Reindeer love Banana's & Babe Ruth Loved Hot Dogs.

Reindeer love Banana's & Babe Ruth Loved Hot Dogs.

The companion podcast to History & Factoids about today.
Reindeer love to eat banana's and apples. Babe Ruth ate 12 hot dogs between games of a double header. South Korea has a law requiring phone camera's to make a loud shutter.

Intro/Exit -...

The companion podcast to History & Factoids about today.
Reindeer love to eat banana's and apples. Babe Ruth ate 12 hot dogs between games of a double header. South Korea has a law requiring phone camera's to make a loud shutter.

Intro/Exit - Energy Pill - Lesfm
Give me back my freedom - Cody Joe Hodges