July 31st-Avacados, Lurch, Lobo, Siri, Wesley Snipes, JK Rowling, Dean Cain, Zac Brown, Rico Rodriguez
National avacado day. Entertainment from 1995. Black tot day in Britian, Lunar rover 1st driven on the moon, K2 1st climbed. Todays birthdays - Ted Cassidy, Lobo, Gary Lewis, Susan Bennett, Wesley Snipes, JK Rowling, Dean Cain, Zac Brown, Rico...
National avacado day. Entertainment from 1995. Black tot day in Britian, Lunar rover 1st driven on the moon, K2 1st climbed. Todays birthdays - Ted Cassidy, Lobo, Gary Lewis, Susan Bennett, Wesley Snipes, JK Rowling, Dean Cain, Zac Brown, Rico Rodrigueaz. Bill Russell died.