Oct. 21, 2022

Oct 21st-Apples, Dizzy Gillespie, Kane Brown, Old Dominion, Carrie Fisher, Manfred Mann, Alfred Nobel

Oct 21st-Apples, Dizzy Gillespie, Kane Brown, Old Dominion, Carrie Fisher, Manfred Mann, Alfred Nobel

National Apple Day. Pop culture from 2014. 1st Europeans to sail in Pacific ocean, 1st U.S. troops to fight in WW1, Alec Baldwin shoots and kills crew member on movie set. Today's birthdays - Alfred Nobel, Joyce Randolph, Peter Graves, Manfred Mann,...

National Apple Day. Pop culture from 2014. 1st Europeans to sail in Pacific ocean, 1st U.S. troops to fight in WW1, Alec Baldwin shoots and kills crew member on movie set. Today's birthdays - Alfred Nobel, Joyce Randolph, Peter Graves, Manfred Mann, Mathew Ramsey, Carrie Fisher, Dizzy Gillespie, Kane Brown. Jack Kerouac died.